I haven't posted in a while because I only post when things really get to me. However, we discovered my sis-in-law's facebook status said this:
"Writing a paper about someone important in your life, but that isn't involved in your life anymore can be hard and emotional!!! :/"
There were some responses of good luck, call me if you need cheering up, it can help you cope, blah, blah, blah. Those were from extended family and friends. Personally, I always think those kinds of statuses are just the people starving for attention.
Anyway, here's what my fabulous (*cough*sarcasm*cough*) parents-in-law (they share a facebook, so I'm not sure which one it was) write back:
"Compared to what you still have heavily out weighs the loss. Write it and think about the positives. We are stronger because of it. That important someone has it even worse than you. Love ya baby girl"
Okay, say whaaaaaat? Did you really just say that what you have heavily outweighs the loss - WHICH IS LOSING YOUR SON?!?!?! I'm just a little baffled by that. I could not imagine losing a child and then acting like it's not a big deal because I have better things that are better than that child. I don't even have kids, but if I lost one of my dogs (which totally are my children right now), I wouldn't even say what I have outweighs the loss, and those are my dogs for crying out loud! My poor husband saw it, and he just said, "Well, I guess that shows how they felt about me." My goodness!
I mean, the whole "That important person has it even worse than you" is nothing new. A stab at me, of course. What's new, right? I mean, that was hurtful too, but you know...how could you say that crap about your own son?!?!? I'll never understand...ever! How low do you have to be to not even care about having your own son in your life whom you claimed to be soooo close to? Oh, wait, that's right...you were never close to him; you never even knew him!
Ughhhhh! Seriously...they are just pouring more and more salt in the wound! After all these years, and you still go with acting like that? I mean, not only would they have to sincerely apologize to me, to my husband, to us, to my family, to my friends, etc., and then actually change; but, they would also have to try to repair all of the damage they have done! For goodness' sakes, I have people I don't even know writing me and my husband bashing us based on what his family has done and said. That's pretty dang bad. Even if they did all of that, we still don't know if we could have anything to do with them because so much damage has been done.
Sometimes I just want to expose everything they've done so people can know what they are really like, and who they are. But, then I think about it, and I realize that will only make things worse.
So, I sit back, write on my anonymous blog, and let them stomp on me, on my husband, on us, and others around us over and over and over.
Seriously, sometimes being the bigger person is lame.
P.S. We have them blocked on facebook, but their profiles are totally public, so we can see what they do on there (through my mom's account - she totally knows we use it for that; it's cool).