Well, I've thought about where to begin this blog because so much has happened. I honestly kind of feel overwhelmed with the amount of information I have to share.
I just decided to start from the very beginning. This stuff doesn't really pertain to emotional abuse, but it's where my story starts, so here goes.
I was born and raised in a loving home. My family was and is not perfect by any means; trust me, we've had our ups and downs. However, overall, I'd say my family is pretty dang great. I don't think I ever realized this enough growing up. When I went to college, I began to recognize how blessed I truly was to have my family, specifically my parents. My dad is the most selfless person I have ever met in my entire life. He makes me feel like I'll always be safe my whole life because I know he would never let anything happen to me. He will always be there to help. My mom has always been there when I need her, even if it is in the middle of the night. My parents truly cared about their children and each other. They didn't fake it. They never put on show or boasted for others. But, that love and care was there, and we could all feel it. They had rules, but they weren't overly strict. They gave us freedom and trusted us, while still making sure we weren't making bad decisions. They have given me an excellent examples of the parent I would like to be one day.
My husband's family of origin description will come later because I didn't start finding out the truth until later.
Growing up, I never understood how families couldn't just get along with each other when their children got married. I always said I wanted to get along with my in-laws, I wanted them to love me, I wanted my family to love my husband, and him to love them. People always warned me that was not always possible. I didn't understand; it seemed so simple. You just get along! That's always how it was in my family. Those that married in were treated like family. We all got along. Sure, there are times when we all annoy each other, but you don't make a huge fuss. It's not worth ruining relationships. Little did I know what was to come for me.
Sorry this is so short, but I just wanted to give all of you some background information on me. It's not much, but it will give you some insight as to how much of a blow everything has been for me. It has all blindsided me.
My next post will more than likely be about my courtship with my husband. That is, unless something else hits me that happened before then.
Stay strong!
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