This is mainly focusing on abuse from a partner, but it can be easily applied to other relationships as well (in my case, my in-laws). Reading this reminded me of why we don't talk to them anymore - it all hits so close to home that's it's somewhat freaky.
This info came from this website:
Emotional Abuse: Signs Women Need to Know
By Kathy Wilson
abuse is one of the most insidious forms of abuse a woman can suffer.
Often, a woman doesn’t even realize that the unhappiness she feels has a
name: abuse. According to mental health experts today, even if it is
never physical…it is still abuse.
abuse or psychological abuse has only recently been recognized as a
legitimate form of abuse, and is hard to identify or prove. It affects
everyone within a home no matter who is the target of abuse. Emotional
abuse can be subtle and gradual, so that the victim does not recognize
she is being abused until it has become a significant trauma to her. It
can happen to any woman, from any walk of life. It can happen to
children, and if you are being emotionally abused, your children are
too. And most importantly, it is not what you deserve and there is a way
to healing.
Effects on Victims of Emotional Abuse:
• Emotional
abuse saps a woman’s self esteem, creates anxiety and panic attacks,
depression, and makes a woman feel trapped and alone.
• It teaches children to distrust the world, and isolate themselves in pain, anger and fear.
• It can cause lifelong, deep emotional pain.
Signs you are being emotionally abused:
• You feel like you are walking on eggshells, watching what you say or do to prevent a bad reaction out of your partner.
• Your
partner yells, swears, throws things or breaks things in a show of
force and anger, even if it isn’t directed toward you. Doing it in front
of you implies your partner is seeking to control you with whatever
means necessary.
• Your partner hurts pets when he is angry, then brags about it.
• Your
partner uses physical intimidation, even if he never touches you. This
includes rushing across the room at you in anger, glaring hateful
stares, shaking a finger in your face, or throwing things across the
• Your
partner uses emotional blackmail to win arguments or
disagreements…guilt, shame or my personal favorite…uses anger towards
the children in the house or others you love to “shut you up”. You
comply in order to spare the loved ones his wrath.
• Your partner feels his needs are the only ones that matter.
• He
does not respect simple boundaries such as knocking on bedroom doors
before entering a child’s room, even ones of the opposite sex.
• He
belittles you or members of the family, calling names, casting hateful
stares or making sure they know they are not accepted members of the
family. Examples of this might be not allowing that family member to sit
near them, or even be in the same room as them, for absolutely no
reason other than to express his control over the victim. He may lead a
campaign to convince other members of the family unit to tease just as
merciless as he, or he may simply leave that member out of conversations
or family events or traditions.
• Teasing
crosses into cruelty hidden behind attempts to “help”: for example, he
might ask “Why you stuff your face like a pig”, and then in the next
instant claim he is trying to help you with your weight worries.
Signs of an abuser:
• An abuser has different rules for him than he does for everyone else.
• An abuser refuses to take responsibility for his behavior, often accusing you of overreacting.
• When
confronted, he will use emotional blackmail to make you stay in the
relationship. Ie. Subtle threats to commit suicide, pleading emotional
instability, crying, guilt…you name it.
• Abusers often have substance abuse problems, which they refuse to recognize or get help for.
How to heal from abuse:
is defined as any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate
another human being through the use of fear, humiliation, intimidation,
guilt, coercion, manipulation etc.
first step to healing from emotional abuse is to realize that it’s
exactly that… abuse. Denial is prevalent among victims. Your self esteem
has already suffered enough under the insidious attacks of the abuse;
admitting to abuse is hard. Really hard. No one wants to believe
someone they love would hurt them this way, so they deny it’s happening.
They even make excuses for their abuser. It can also be hard to accept
the fact that you allowed yourself to become a victim. Take note ladies,
you did not ask for this, and it can happen to anyone! I know how difficult it can be to accept this. I also know that you CAN heal and find a healthy place in your life!
abuser is also a master at turning things around on you, and making you
wonder what role you had in the abuse. Comments like “Why didn’t you
tell me earlier if I was so bad?” or “If it was really as bad as you
say, why didn’t you leave me?” serve to relocate the responsibility for
the situation on YOUR shoulders. Don’t buy it. An abusers prime method
of denial is to minimize what is happening. “You made too big a deal out
of it, I don’t remember it that way at all”. Sound familiar? And I bet
you started wondering about whether he was right. This is the toughest
part in escaping emotional abuse. You must learn to recognize the
patterns of dysfunction and not allow them to sway you. Your self esteem
has already been battered, and I know it’s easy to second guess
yourself and feel confused when faced with an abusers tactics. For this
reason, it is often better to remove yourself from the situation.
always gets worse with time. You are not going to heal him. If he won’t
seek help for himself and stick to a long term pattern of change, you
owe it to yourself to get out of the relationship. You owe it to your
children to provide them with a learning experience that might prevent
them from repeating the same old abuse patterns, and to protect them
from exposure to further abuse. You have a lot to offer this world, but
as long as you are trapped in a cycle of abuse that degrades your self
esteem and keeps you in a living hell, you will never realize your full
abuse is unhealthy, and it creates a cycle for you or your children
that can be very difficult to break free from. If you can’t seek help
for yourself, than do it for those you love. Call domestic violence
services in your area for help, they are not just there for the
physically abused. They can offer advice, and help you decide if you are
indeed being abused, and how to get help. Find counseling, go to a
minister, call your Mom. And be honest. Cry, sob, tell the story, relate
the guilt, let out the anger… then stand up and get help. Emotional
abuse can only be stopped if we stand up. People will only take it
seriously if we stand up. And we will only stop this cycle with our
children if we, the victims, STAND UP. When you stand up and do
something about abuse, you cease being a victim, and you become a
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