Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Some things we'd like to say

It'll be 6 years this Fall that we cut my in-laws out of our life.  6.years.y'all! Unfortunately, 6 years has not improved their thoughts and feelings regarding me (and my family), and their terrible actions towards my husband, my family, and me continue.  So, here are just some of the things we'd like to say but can't because any response to them is always changed in some way (and sometimes totally made up).

1.  My husband chose to cut y'all off.  Well, he chose to cut his parents and brother off, and then threats and other terrible stuff made it to where we couldn't associate with anyone in his family, including sisters and extended family.  I didn't force him to cut y'all off, although I assume that is easier for y'all to go with than actually look to yourselves and what y'all have done to make your own son want nothing to do with y'all.  My family didn't force him to choose either, although it is easy to put the blame on them too because of the same reason  I stated before.  (Insert sarcasm here) I mean, how could y'all have possibly done anything that would make your son not want anything to do with you, so it must be my family and me forcing him to not have anything to do with y'all.  Yeah, that must be it.  It is honestly harder for me to deal with-he has no problem with not having anything to do with y'all; his attitude is good riddance.  He dealt with y'alls ways much longer than I ever had to, and he is happy to be away from it all.  He has no hope that y'all will change; I still have that hope and am continually let down.  Again, let me emphasize that my husband chose on his own to cut y'all off because of what y'all have done to us.  It wasn't me, and it wasn't my family; it was his choice because y'all have done awful things to us and beaten us to the ground, to put it lightly.  As long as you keep avoiding that, you'll never have any connection with us.  You can't just ignore what you've done and continue to do.

2.  Stop lying, specifically about me.  Seriously, when we have had people that I don't even know and some people that even my husband doesn't know saying stuff to us about me or treating me terribly, then you know you have gone too far with your lies.  You should have never even started lying about me in the first place.  That was a mistake, and it continues to be a mistake today - do you really think your son would want anything to do with you when you constantly lie about and attack his wife?  Stop putting everything y'all do on me.  It is frustrating for us both how much you lie about me.  You completely make stuff up, and for what?  What are y'all accomplishing by doing this?  Does it save y'alls pride and ego?  For the life of me, we'll never understand them making up everything as much as they have.  It is sickening and disgusting, and it infuriates my husband.  We honestly believe y'all have lied so much that you actually believe your lies-y'all have a serious problem.

3.  As long as you disconnect me from my husband, you'll never get anywhere.  They want a relationship with my husband but without me.  They want to know our baby, but how does that work when you don't acknowledge the baby's mother?  After all, they refer to our child as my husband's baby; not our baby.  It doesn't work that way.  We are a package deal; we are a family.  You can't just say you want only my husband back and think we don't know what you mean-you want us to divorce.  You tried before to get us to divorce by being sneaky and even tried telling people that's what we wanted.  It wasn't, and it was never mentioned by us, but y'all were sure trying to make it happen without us knowing until a friend of y'alls told us.  And y'all wonder why you don't know our baby's birth date or name?  Honestly...y'all found out we had a baby by stalking us somehow.  You aren't a part of our life, and one of the many reasons is y'all totally excluding me.  Really...that mindset will never work.

4.  We will protect our child from the harm y'all cause.  End of story.  Everything y'all have put us through and y'all think you deserve to know our baby?  Not a chance.  We will never put our baby in danger of going through what we have been through.

5.  Unless y'all completely recognize what y'all have done and do, right your wrongs, and totally change, we want nothing to do with y'all.  And honestly, y'all have done so much that we don't even know if a reunion is ever possible.  The cut off was never meant to be permanent, but everything y'all have done since is making it that way.  This is a direct result of y'alls actions.

I feel like I have a lot more I wanted to add to the list, but it gets exhausting.  Those are the main ones.  Maybe I'll write more again someday.

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