Sunday, February 27, 2011

Holy Crap...

This is getting out of hand. Crazy day.

So about 3-4 weeks ago, we got this letter in the mail scanned in a town in our state, but not the town my in-laws live in (in fact, about an hour and a half away). The letter was also addressed to us in handwriting we didn't recognize. Also, it was addressed to both of us and not just my husband (about 99% of the time, the letters from his family are only addressed to my husband). No return address either.

Okay, well, turns out it was from my stupid in-laws. They must have given it to someone to address to us and send from a different town. The writing on the inside was my mother-in-law's handwriting. Nothing mean was written in it (it is annoying that they sign people's names who aren't in the family, but they try to force it on other people as though they are in their family - lies, cover-ups, etc.); however, the simple fact that they had given it to someone to address and send from a different town is just so shady and sneaky and wrong!

Flash-forward to today. We wake up super early every day of the week, so on Sat. and Sun., we like to sleep in until about 10 (really helps having church at 1). At 9:00 in the morning, we're woken up to knocks on our door. I asked my husband, "Is someone knocking on our door?" My husband was like, "I think so." I was just like, "Who in the world is knocking on our door at 9 in the morning on a Sunday?"

We put on robes and went to check. I looked through the peep hole first, and I did not recognize who was at our door. I just figured it was the lady who lives below us because they seem to always hear us (even when we're not doing anything but lying in bed). So, I turned around to walk away from the door since I never answer it if we don't know who it is - my husband always does that. My husband looked through and didn't recognize them either and thought it was the lady below us as well.

I picked up our dogs to run them back in our bedroom, so they wouldn't try to go out of the door. I then started to go back to the front door. Before I even made it to the door I heard, "Well, your mom and dad wanted me to come check on you and make sure you're okay." (This entire time she's talking, remember she is a bia, and she had a very bia-like voice - she was very rude to my husband. My husband, in turn, definitely sounded agitated and annoyed from where I was standing. Just to give you a feel for how this conversation went.)

I thought, "Oh crap, you've got to be freaking kidding me!!"

So, I got close enough to hear what was going on, but stood behind the door so I couldn't be seen. After a few seconds, I realized it was my mother-in-law's best friend, who just happens to be just as crazy as they are. husband and I have never liked her. She's always involved in drama, likes to be caught up in the middle of it, lives through her daughter, etc.

So, in response to her statement about checking if he's okay, my husband said, "Yeah, I'm doing really well."

She said, "Are you sure?"

And he said, "Yeah, I'm doing great, actually."

Then she said, "Well, they'd really like to talk to you (and my husband laughed when she said that). Do you want to talk to them?"

My husband said, "Nope."

She said something like, "Really? Are you sure? They really do want to talk to you."

My husband said, "Yeah I'm sure. I don't want anything to do with them."

She then said, "Well, that's sad, because you're not the person I knew."

My husband said, "Yeah, well my parents aren't doing what they should be."

She then cut him off in the last half of his previous statement and said, "Oh, (my husband's name) yes they are." (She was even more bia-like here.

My husband then cut her off there and said, "Yeah, well, no they aren't, and I have to go." And then he shut the door in her face.

FYI - her husband was also there, and my husband said he seemed really uncomfortable. Poor guy.

So, then we peeked out of our balcony door, and saw them walking to and getting in their car. They were pointing up to our balcony as though making sure that one was really our balcony. They got in their car, then proceeded to pull up and around my husband's car (he's gotten a new car since we've stopped talking to them) on all sides that they could and took pictures of his car! They even photographed his license plate! What the craaaaaaaaaaap? They just roll with people as crazy as they are! Ughhhhhhhhh!

We then switched cars out with my sister, so we could go to church in her car, and she could go in our car. She said someone followed her all the way across town to her church building. Wow! I'm not really sure what's going on.

Seriously though...they got their friends to send letters for them and show up at our house? Okay crazies...get a grip! This is getting out of hand, and we cannot live in peace. Is that too much to ask?

Sooooooo annoying and crazy!!!!

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